Saturday 22 March 2014

Weirdos, Craziness and Success....Strange Combinations?

Am I a weirdo? My wife always reminds me don't be one. It's shameful, she says. But there's part inside me that always wanted to do crazy stuff. "Crazy Stuff" as defined as acts that "NORMAL PEOPLE WILL NOT DO".

I recalled my college life in Kuching, Sarawak. I was staying in the college hostel and made quite a number of crazy friends. Not to mean they are crazy as in mentally-ill (in fact these were top scorer students) but friends who liked to do crazy stuff just to have fun.

I remembered there was once we went to Hartz Chicken. It's a franchising restaurant that serve everything chicken, buffet style. Their soft drinks were also served on free-flow basis and because of that, whenever we visit that restaurant, we would get 2 to 3 big cups of soft drink each person just for the purpose to rinse and gargle our mouth. The funny thing was the waitress never complaint and talked to us about our weird behavior.

On another occasion we used to drive around city with all four windows wound down shouting and laughing at each place or people we passed by. Some of these people will shout back at us and some just ignored.

There's another time we bullied one of our annoying roommate from Indonesia. He's weird (now I'm calling others weird) in the sense that he did not like to mix around, arrogant and no idea how to accommodate his roommates such as playing music loudly while others were sleeping. Each semester break when he went back to his hometown, we would start to pry open his packed junk food boxes and stole his junk food. Very bad of us but I strongly do not condone this.

Looking back, I laughed at myself. In fact I missed those time, those friends and those places. I'm kind of off topic but my point is, there's nothing wrong for being crazy but DO NOT hurt others while you're doing your crazy stuff (of course my events above do indicate hurting others especially the last part, which, I strongly do not encourage) but being crazy is to be unique. Unique events like what I have mentioned earlier brings back fond memories.

Being crazy means liberalize yourself from your own, or socially imposed restrictions/norm. Craziness also challenges your own courage. It allows you to explore more of this world, after all, from my point of view, this world is created by God for us to explore whatever possibilities that IT has created and our job is to learn and to discover. This morning I read an article titled From Beethoven to Marizza Mayer: The Bizarre Habits of Highly Creative People and it basically tells the weird behaviors behind some of the most successful people in this world.   

So, my friend, be crazy and have courage in whatever you are pursuing even though most of the time, it means being lonely and being rejected by people surrounding you some times, even your loved ones. People will always criticize and downplay whatever you are doing. Remember, they do so because of their own failure but not because of yours. Have faith in yourself and stay focus in whatever you are doing because in the end, the result is what matter most!

My dedication of this article to Hii Lu Hing (roommate), Andy Lau Hui Huat (housemate), Tie Sing Ngiik (housemate), Yam Ke Tect (housemate) and Allem Sim Siang Ghee (housemate). May god bless you and have faith in whatever you are pursuing now!

P/S: Recently came across this act called "Planking" from Looks interesting and have this crazy thought of doing the same too. Anyone interested?

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